

Microneedling In Dallas, Tx

Microneedling In Dallas, Tx

Experience the transformative power of microneedling enriched with Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) and exosomes at Bareface-Beauty Medspa, your premier destination for advanced skincare in Dallas, Texas. Our microneedling procedure utilizes a state-of-the-art device with precision-engineered tiny needles, creating micro-punctures in the skin. This cutting-edge technique stimulates the body’s natural healing response and further enhances the regenerative properties of PRP and exosomes.

PRP, derived from your blood, is rich in growth factors, promoting collagen and elastin production for unparalleled skin rejuvenation. Exosomes, potent cell-derived vesicles, amplify the regenerative effects, delivering a comprehensive solution for improving skin texture and appearance.

The number of microneedling treatments required for optimal results varies based on individual skin concerns and severity. A series of 3-6 treatment sessions, spaced 4-6 weeks apart, is recommended. The synergistic combination of microneedling, PRP, and exosomes offers a holistic approach to skin renewal, addressing various concerns from fine lines to overall skin texture.

It’s crucial to note that microneedling with PRP and exosomes is an ongoing process, and regular maintenance sessions may be advised. At Bareface-Beauty Medspa, our skilled professionals will customize a treatment plan specifically for you. Elevate your skincare routine with our advanced microneedling treatments for radiant, revitalized skin.

Benefits of Microneedling include:

  • The procedure can average 45-60 minutes.
  • Minimally invasive
  • Improves fine lines & wrinkles
  • Can help with collagen stimulation during the remodeling phase
  • Suitable for all skin types
  • Reduces the appearance of scars
  • Rejuvenates the skin
  • Healing continues after the procedure
  • Shrink large pores
  • Fresher, plumper-looking skin
  • Improves the texture and tone of the skin


Are you ready to get started with glowing skin? We are here to help. Call and schedule a consultation today to discuss treatment options.


The Platinum Microneedling package (Includes Exosomes)

Microneedling with exosome therapy is an innovative new treatment. Exosomes are naturally produced by cells in the body and play a key role in cellular communication and regeneration. Helps with complexion concerns such as skin tone, texture irregularities, acne scarring, and hyperpigmentation. They also help minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and reduce large pores and inflammation.


Painless and safe method of exfoliation uses a scalpel to gently scrape off the top layer of dull, dead skin cells and facial hair (fuzzy hair) to reveal a smoother and brighter complexion. It allows for greater penetration of skincare products and creates a flawless canvas for makeup. This treatment is recommended for all skin types with the exception of clients with acneic skin.

Can be an added-on to any micro needling treatment or a standalone service with soothing skin cleanse and moisturizing hyaluronic skin mask.

Microneedling with PRP


Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is a cosmetic treatment that combines microneedling with the use of PRP, a
natural substance that is rich in growth factors and other beneficial proteins. PRP is obtained from the
patient’s own blood and then applied to the skin during the microneedling procedure.

Benefits: Increased collagen production, which helps improve skin texture and tone. Reduce fine lines
and wrinkles by promoting cell regeneration. Improve skin hydration leading to a more youthful and
radiant complexion. Reduce hyperpigmentation by promoting cell turnover and improving skin texture.


You may be a good candidate if you want a minimally invasive procedure without surgery that will reduce fine lines, wrinkles, or acne scarring.
The average person needs three to six Microneedling treatments to achieve their desired results. The number of treatments needed is determined by your body’s unique cellular turnover rate, your age, and how you have treated your skin in the past.
The results of microneedling typically last about twelve weeks, although results can vary. Follow-up treatments are generally recommended every six weeks after the initial treatment.
Because microneedling does not require downtime, you won’t have to take time off work to recover. You may, however, have some swelling, redness, and skin sensitivity in the first 24 to 48 hours.
The purpose of microneedling is to puncture the outermost layer of the skin and trigger the healing process. This promotes the production of collagen and the turnover of new skin cells. Overall, microneedling is an effective cosmetic procedure with minimal pain, minimal recovery time, and great results for a variety of skin types and concerns.

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