

Fat Dissolvers In Dallas, Tx

Fat Dissolvers In Dallas, Tx

Kybella® is the first fat-dissolving treatment approved by the FDA to target fat cells directly. Deoxycholic acid, an acid produced naturally by our bodies, is the main component of Kybella® that helps break down fat. It is now possible for aestheticians to use Kybella® treatments to reduce fat in specific body parts. The specialists at Bareface-Beauty use Kybella® to reduce submental fat around double chins, jowls, and those pesky bra bulges!

Kybella® injections eliminate fat cells permanently! The body naturally eliminates them. Clients usually need two to four sessions to achieve desired aesthetic results and will see results within three months.

Ready to get rid of your unwanted fat? Book your Kybella® appointment with Bareface-Beauty in Dallas, Texas, today by clicking on the Book
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Double Chin

Kybella® permanently destroys the fat cells under the chin to eliminate double chins! It usually takes three to four Kybella® sessions, spaced out by 4-6 weeks, to treat double chins.


Kybella® is an effective way to dissolve fat cells that contribute to sagging skin around the jawline. Kybella® does not tighten skin but melts away the excess fat under the chin, giving the jawline a youthful definition.

Bra Bulges

Kybella® can effectively treat armpit bulges by reducing fat pockets in the back of the armpit. Fat cells are permanently destroyed by Kybella® injections, eliminating those annoying bra bulges for good!


Kybella® may be a good choice for you if you want to reduce unwanted fat without undergoing surgery. Women who are pregnant or nursing should not receive this treatment.
You should notice some results after your first Kybella® treatment. After your treatments, you should see noticeable results in 4-6 weeks. It usually takes 2-3 treatments to achieve full results.
Yes! Kybella® destroys fat cells by injecting them into fat-storing areas. Fat cannot be stored or accumulated in those destroyed cells. After achieving your goals, you shouldn’t need any further Kybella® treatments.
There is minimal downtime associated with Kybella® as it is safe and minimally invasive. It is recommended that you wait 48 to 72 hours before returning to normal activities.

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